Christmas Flow
Here's a little flow that will allow you to reset and recharge for all your holiday festivities!
Here's a little flow that will allow you to reset and recharge for all your holiday festivities!
At Stage 2, children are sampling sports and learning fundamental skills that will allow them to train properly.
At Stage 1, we are creating an environment that lays a solid foundation for controlled play.
Yoga offers a platform to invite intention, focus, breath and stabilization.
Observing all the similarities of our bodies can help deepen our understanding of movement.
There are so many benefits to incorporating yoga into your training routine.
Reasons you need to incorporate a regular yoga practice into your regimen.
The knee is a fabulous tool for movement. Without it, we could not walk, run, sit, jump or practice yoga. Take care of your knees and they will take care of you.
Children who have practiced yoga tell teachers and parents that they are able to concentrate better during the day, focus better on their activities, and pay attention to their tasks.
Yoga can actually prevent signs of aging. Yoga naturally improves your circulation, balance and flexibility. The practice of yoga also relieves stress, which in turn gives you a natural face lift! Want to stay youthful? Try this short series of anti-aging yoga poses. Practice each pose, in the following order, at least three times a