
What makes yoga sport specific?

Sport training naturally creates physical imbalances. Athletes become strong in some areas and weak in others. An athlete may find certain movements to be very easy and others to feel very tight, rigid, or difficult – and limited mobility can lead to severe injury. Furthermore, depending on the sport, the athlete will train differently and

By |2023-03-24T15:35:11+00:00August 11th, 2022||0 Comments

What is yoga for athletes?

To start, the term "athlete" encompasses people at all competitive levels, including high school or college students, professional level athletes, as well as recreational athletes who compete in weekend races or local leagues. Sport training naturally creates physical imbalances. Athletes become strong in some areas and weak in others. An athlete may find certain movements

By |2023-03-24T15:35:05+00:00May 28th, 2016||0 Comments
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