You may or may not know that I am currently studying for my 300 hour yoga certification. In the yoga world, first you earn your 200 hour certification, then your 300 hour to get the full 500 hour registered yoga teacher (RYT) title. I am so excited about this training that I wanted to tell
There are so many benefits to incorporating yoga into your training routine.
The knee is a fabulous tool for movement. Without it, we could not walk, run, sit, jump or practice yoga. Take care of your knees and they will take care of you.
Children who have practiced yoga tell teachers and parents that they are able to concentrate better during the day, focus better on their activities, and pay attention to their tasks.
He is a soccer player whose growth and dedication to yoga is very inspiring.
In yoga class, as instructors we constantly say “start your deep belly breathing” “inhale for six counts, hold for three counts, exhale for six counts” “breathe in your nose and out of your nose” “belly rise, belly fall” “keep breathing”.” Well sometimes we come into class, practice deep breathing for 60 minutes and then completely forget
Stephanie aka Brownie, who has been with us since Day 1, gives us some insight on her personal yoga journey.
So ask anyone who knows us and she (or he) will tell you we couldn’t be more different! Quite frankly, I think that’s why this partnership works! We each bring a lot to the table, for our business but more importantly for our clients. In efforts for our followers and clientele to get to know
BlogTatiana Sharp2022-07-19T15:54:41+00:00