Cassandra Moody

Each month the team at YAX selects a star athlete. This athlete truly embodies our core values with perseverance and accountability at the forefront.

Our October Athlete of the Month is Cassandra Moody! We’d like to give a shoutout to Cassandra for consistently bringing her hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm into the studio and via livestream.

1. How long have you been practicing/training at Yoga Athletex?

About a month and a half (started in mid Sept).

2. What benefits have you received since training at Yoga Athletex?

My body has become stronger, more flexible and toned. My performance in class has improved; circuits/poses which felt difficult a month ago feel less difficult, and I can push myself a little more each class to continue growth. My energy and mental health have increased tremendously!

3. What is your sport/activity outside of the studio?

I played soccer and still casually kick the ball around. I’ve dabbled in kickboxing, intramural sports and other athletics.

4. What is your favorite class at Yoga Athletex and why?

The endurance class is my favorite because it’s the area I struggle with the most. The YAX team knows exactly how to encourage my endurance improvement in ways I’m unable to do on my own. They’re super supportive, motivating, realistic and provide suggestions throughout class.

5. Any advice for new people trying out the studio?⁠

Give it a try! You’ll immediately feel like a member of the family and team. From the front desk to trainers and members, everyone is friendly, kind, knowledgeable, and celebrates each other’s wins. I leave the studio feeling as physically and mentally accomplished as I did leaving the field after a great game. The variety of classes covers every essential training needed to maintain and/or get back into top athletic performance. Class size isn’t overwhelming, and allows trainers/instructors space to give each member feedback and encouragement throughout class. It’s the best studio I’ve found and I highly recommend considering joining the team!


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