The easiest way to create a recovery plan you can stick to is to add recovery to activities that you already do.
For instance, if you have practice, plan to do a short on-demand Yoga Recovery class right afterwards. This will allow you to integrate recovery into your current training schedule in a way that isn’t random and doesn’t feel overwhelming.
Here are some examples!
After Practice: Yoga Cool-Down
This quick lower body sequence will have you feeling stretched, relaxed, and focused after practice or a game.
After SAC: Yoga Cool-Down
Down-regulate the breath, mobilize the cervical spine and shoulders, and stretch the calves, hamstrings, and hips.
Before a Game: Breathwork
Calm performance anxiety, ease nerves or over excitement, focus the mind, and enhance physical capacity.
After a Game: Breathwork
This practice is great right after a workout or game to downshift your breathing from high intensity to a calm state.
Recovery Guide
Looking for more guidance? The Recovery Guide can get you started! For each season, it gives you a class type for:
- Off Days
- Practice Days
- SAC Days
- Game Days
- Tournament Days
There are 2 ways to use the Recovery Guide:
- Click on each day to get a link to a specific video
- Use the Class Type filter on YAX Online to find more videos for that day
You deserve to recover!
We know you’re busy and exhausted. You’re constantly being pulled in lots of directions. You don’t want to waste your time and everything you do needs to count.
Well, recovery counts! You deserve a physical and mental break. It’s not being lazy, it’s being productive. Even doing just 20 minutes of yoga a few times per week can make a big impact on your health and your game.
Benefits include:
- Decreased risk of injury
- Reduced fatigue
- Improved mental health
- Increased range of motion
- Better performance
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Here's a 4-minute video clip from the 19-minute section about the Science of Stretching from the Yoga Coaching Course!
Here's an 8-minute video about athletes from the Yoga Coaching Course!
Here's a 7-minute introduction video for the Yoga Coaching Course.
This course will give you a better understanding of the importance of yoga and how to apply it to the athletes you currently work with.