We’re so excited to tell you all about our NEW Yoga Coaching Course!

The Yoga Coaching Course, also known as the Yoga for Athletes Course, includes 5 hours of videos and a 60 page handbook – all available through YAX Online.

This course is for you if you are:⁠

  • a coach, fitness instructor, or personal trainer who wants to provide recovery techniques to athletes
  • a yoga instructor who wants to teach athletes

You’ll learn:

  • The Optimal Performance Training Model and the Long Term Athletic Development Model (and how they relate to yoga and training)
  • The 7 functional movement protocols for screening and assessing your students
  • Flexibility in-depth and the difference between stretching and yoga for stabilization and mobility
  • How to practice and administer performance breathwork techniques

No matter what your athletic or yoga experience is, this course will give you a better understanding of the importance of yoga and how to apply it to the athletes you currently work with.

Yoga Coaching Course

Course Outline

A. Introduction

  • Welcome
  • Meet the Instructors
  • What is Yoga for Athletes?
  • Course Objectives
  • Quiz

B. Athletes

  • Athletes 101
  • Benefits of Yoga for Athletes
  • Class: Yoga Recovery – Full Body

C. How & When to Incorporate Yoga

  • The LTAD model
  • The OPT model
  • Quiz

D. The Science of Stretching

  • Behavioral Properties of Muscles
  • Soft Tissue Biomechanics
  • The Stretch Reflex
  • Integrated Flexibility Continuum
  • 4 Types of Stretching
  • Quiz
  • Class: Yoga Dynamic – Full Body

E. Training and movement patterns

  • FMS
  • Additional assessments
  • Common Injuries
  • Quiz
  • Class: Yoga Restorative – Rest

F. Meditation & Visualization

  • Visualization
  • Meditation Practices

G. Breathwork

  • Benefits
  • Oxygen Efficiency Breathwork Tests
  • Different Types of Breathing Exercises
  • Box Breathing
  • Down Shift
  • Next Steps with Breathwork

F. Programming

  • Framework
  • Periodization Schedule & Types of Yoga
  • Class: SMR – Upper Back
  • Sport-Specific Postures
  • Quiz

I. Closing & Next Steps

Yoga Coaching Course


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