How to Strengthen the Low Back

Low back pain can be relieved by strengthening the low back and core. Kalynn and I (Patricia) learned a spine strengthening series early on in our yoga careers and it has been a true constant in our lives to stay out of pain and move with ease. After suffering from some chronic back injuries like bone spurs, arthritis, herniated discs and more overuse injury, we started implementing the sequence described below.

So, roll out your mat and let’s get started! Hold each of the poses below for 5 big breaths before moving on to the next. Repeat 3 times.

Spine Strengthening Series

  • Cobra Pose
  • Locust Pose
  • Full Locust Pose
  • Bow Pose

Now that our backs are strengthened, let’s address the core!

Strengthening the core is another great way to relieve low back pain. The strength of your core is directly linked to how your back feels. Theoretically, if your QL’s (quadratus lumborum, or low back muscles) are weak your body will rely on other soft tissues to stabilize your spine. Sometimes this means the ligaments are recruited to do work that is not their job, which can lead to injury. In order to avoid this, you can combine the above series with some abdominal exercises listed below.

Complete each exercise for 60 seconds, before moving on to the next. Repeat 3 times.

Core Exercises

  • High Plank
  • Oblique Planks
  • High Knees

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